Diagnostic Imaging
Our diagnostic imaging technology and expertise is among the finest available in Northern California:
Nuclear Scintigraphy (Bone Scan): Particularly useful for horses with multiple limb lameness, subtle lameness or lameness of the proximal limb, back or pelvis, this very sensitive technique can often diagnose diseases not visible with other imaging methods. Learn more...
CT (Computed Tomography): Used primarily to detect changes in bone or soft tissue that may be difficult to detect on traditional radiographs. CT can provide a great amount of information useful in the diagnosis and treatment of equine leg and foot lameness including evaluation of soft tissue injuries such as ligament tears and cartilage lesions, as well as micro fractures in bone. It is also beneficial for evaluating equine head injuries such as skull fractures, sinus and dental problems, bone cysts and bone infections. Learn more...
Digital Radiography (X-ray): Mobile units are available for imaging lower limbs and hooves in the field. For abdominal, thoracic and other studies such as shoulders, hips, stifles, back and neck, our outpatient clinics and hospitals have larger equipment. Myelography can be performed to assess the spinal cord, and venography to examine blood flow.
Ultrasound: Used in orthopedics to identify the cause of heat or filling associated with soft-tissue problems such as muscle, tendon, and ligament injuries, ultrasound may be used to locate optimal joint injection sites or guide surgical procedures. In internal medicine, ultrasound is used to locate masses or abscess pockets and identify drainage tracts from infection or foreign objects. Cardiac ultrasound, or echocardiography, can help in the diagnosis and treatment of blood flow issues.
Endoscopy: Using a long, flexible endoscope/camera passed via the nose, endoscopy can be used to assess the respiratory tract or stomach. Gastroscopy is the only way to accurately diagnose gastric ulcers in horses. Ulcers are extremely common and can cause colic, weight loss, poor performance, and other symptoms. Gastroscopy may also be used to diagnose tumors, impactions, and other issues. Different types of endoscopes are used to examine other internal organs (e.g., uterus or urinary bladder), or to examine the upper airway for diseases or disorders that may affect breathing and performance. Our equipment includes a special pediatric endoscope for use in foals.
Laparoscopy: Laparoscopic-assisted surgery may be used for ovariectomy, cryptorchid testical removal or abdominal exploratory procedures.

Find more information about diagnostics in the Resources section of our website...