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Articles, Videos, Links
Articles, Videos, and Links
To find specific resources and information including articles and publications by our veterinarians and others, search our website...
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Which Vaccinations Should My Horse Get?
The American Association of Equine Practitioners provides guidelines on equine vaccines...
E.O.T.R.H. (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis) is a disease process of the incisor and canine teeth mostly seen...
Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy
Watch this video of a presentation on EHM by Dr. Nora Grenager.
Pigeon Fever
Watch this video of a presentation on pigeon fever by Dr. Nora Grenager.
EDCC: Disease Outbreak Alerts
Industry-driven communication system designed to seek and report real time information about equine disease outbreaks
AAEP Horse Owner Resources
The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) provides a wealth of information and resources for horse owners...
Deworming Programs – One Size Does Not Fit All
Most horses do not need to be dewormed as frequently as previously thought. It makes more sense to tailor the program to each horse...
How to Collect Manure for a Fecal Egg Count
Fresh manure is important, as eggs deteriorate with time and temperature. Ideally, collect the sample immediately after your horse has...
Equine Coronavirus and Biosecurity
Equine Coronavirus is NOT the same as the strain referred to as COVID-19, and cannot be transmitted to humans,
The Benefits of Acupuncture in Horses
Acupuncture can help maintain the health of all our equine patients from the athletic performer to the retired horse.
Biosecurity: Why It Should Be Important to You
Biosecurity is the undertaking of management practices that can reduce the risk of outbreaks and minimize the spread of infectious disease.
Tissue, Please! Basic Types of Nasal Discharge
Nasal discharge can vary in significance, from being innocuous to being indicative of a serious problem.
Equine Strangles
Strangles is considered one of the three most significant respiratory diseases of horses. Because it is so highly contagious...
What We Know and What We’re Learning about Laminitis
Laminitis, in its simplest terms, is inflammation of the laminae that attach the coffin bone to the hoof capsule.
Cresty Necks and Laminitis: Equine Endocrinology
The two main endocrinologic concerns in horses are equine Cushing’s disease and equine metabolic syndrome.
The Equine Heart (Part 2): Common Cardiac Disease
In this article, we will examine some of the more common cardiac problems found in horses.
“Doc, My Horse Has A Big Swollen Chest...”
Pigeon Fever, also known as Dryland Distemper, is a bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.
Pigeon Fever
California is particularly well known for having a high incidence of this disease, especially during the late summer and early fall.
A Brief Review of EHV-1 Neurological Disease: EHV-1 Myeloencephalopathy
Equine herpesviruses (EHV) are found in the majority of horses. Most horses have been exposed to the virus...
Overview of Ringbone in Horses
Degenerative joint disease/arthritis of the pastern joint, referred to as high ringbone, is a common source of lameness in horses.
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