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Articles, Videos, Links
Articles, Videos, and Links
To find specific resources and information including articles and publications by our veterinarians and others, search our website...
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How To Place a Foot Poultice/Bandage
Your veterinarian may recommended a foot poultice and bandage to treat a sole bruise or foot abscess. Dr. Jacquelyn Deitrich demonstrates.
Bone Scans: Using Nuclear Scintigraphy to Uncover Lameness
Watch this video of a presentation on nuclear scintigraphy (bone scans) by Dr. Jacquelyn Dietrich.
Options for Managing Osteoarthritis
There's no one-size-fits-all program for treating arthritis. Determine the best plan based on your goals for your horse.
Have You Heard of ISELP?
ISELP is an organization of elite veterinarians focused on lameness problems in the equine athlete.
Is Pro-Stride Right for Your Horse?
Following a single injection, Pro-Stride has clinically demonstrated pain relief in horses for up to 52-weeks.
The Benefits of Acupuncture in Horses
Acupuncture can help maintain the health of all our equine patients from the athletic performer to the retired horse.
Explaining Regenerative Medicine: IRAP, Pro-Stride, PRP and Stem Cells
Regenerative medicine has emerging application to both disease therapy and sports medicine related injuries.
Delayed Patellar Release
Horses affected with delayed patellar release (DLP) have an alteration to their hind limb movement that can affect performance.
What We Know and What We’re Learning about Laminitis
Laminitis, in its simplest terms, is inflammation of the laminae that attach the coffin bone to the hoof capsule.
Advances in Lameness
There are several new therapeutic options that have become available over the last several years for arthritis, tendon and ligament injuries
Overview of Ringbone in Horses
Degenerative joint disease/arthritis of the pastern joint, referred to as high ringbone, is a common source of lameness in horses.
Fractures in Horses: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
“I didn’t think you could fix a broken leg in a horse.” The truth is some you can and some you cannot.
Ultrasound: An Invaluable Tool In Equine Medicine
It is now possible to identify subtle injuries and to image parts of the horse that before now could not be seen.
Silicosis: A Tragic Irreversible Lung Condition in Horses
Commonly known as ‘chalk rock’, this dusty rock form can cause an irreversible lung condition known as silicosis.
Long Toes in the Hind Feet and Pain in the Gluteal Region: An Observational Study of 77 Horses
This study deals with the relationship between long toes in the hind feet and pain in the gluteal region in horses...
Standing Medial Patellar Ligament Splitting to Manage Horses Exhibiting Delayed Patellar Release
This study shows that standing medial patellar ligament splitting is a successful, long-term surgical option...
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