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Articles, Videos, Links
Articles, Videos, and Links
To find specific resources and information including articles and publications by our veterinarians and others, search our website...
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Are You and Your Horse Prepared for the Unexpected?
Emergencies can happen when you least expect...

Routine Blood Work Promotes Horse Health
Routine blood work serves as an essential preventive measure...

Which Vaccinations Should My Horse Get?
The American Association of Equine Practitioners provides guidelines on equine vaccines...

Optimizing Equine Health with Annual Dental Care
Dental care is critical to health and well-being...

The Blanketing Dilemma
The question of whether horses need to be blanketed is a common one, and the answer depends on various factors.

The Itchy Horse: Insect Bite Hypersensitivity
Cause, symptoms, and what we can do...

How To Give a Horse Oral Medications
Learn how to administer oral medications to a horse with a syringe including liquid medications, supplements and dewormers.

How To Take a Horse’s Vital Signs
In this video, Dr. Nora Grenager shows you how to take your horse's vital signs.

AAEP Horse Owner Resources
The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) provides a wealth of information and resources for horse owners...

Equine Colic: Risk Factors, Disease Process and Prevention
Watch this video of a presentation on equine colic by Dr. Danica Wolkowski of Steinbeck Peninsula Equine Clinics.

Maximizing the Golden Years: Care for the Aging Horse
Watch this video of a presentation on equine geriatrics by Dr. Amanda Hedges and Dr. Nora Grenager.

Deworming Programs – One Size Does Not Fit All
Most horses do not need to be dewormed as frequently as previously thought. It makes more sense to tailor the program to each horse...

How to Collect Manure for a Fecal Egg Count
Fresh manure is important, as eggs deteriorate with time and temperature. Ideally, collect the sample immediately after your horse has...

Be Prepared for Showtime!
Here are a few things to remember as you and your horse prepare to travel to competitions. Prevent Stress to Keep Your Horse Healthy It’s...

Why Microchip Your Horse?
Microchips are a great way keep your horse identifiable in many situations, even if you are not participating in competitions...

Biosecurity: Why It Should Be Important to You
Biosecurity is the undertaking of management practices that can reduce the risk of outbreaks and minimize the spread of infectious disease.

Equine Strangles
Strangles is considered one of the three most significant respiratory diseases of horses. Because it is so highly contagious...

A Brief Review of EHV-1 Neurological Disease: EHV-1 Myeloencephalopathy
Equine herpesviruses (EHV) are found in the majority of horses. Most horses have been exposed to the virus...

AAEP Vaccination Guidelines
These guidelines are intended to be a reference for veterinarians who utilize vaccines in their respective practices.

The Great Vaccination Debate
Annual vaccinations are a large part of our preventative health strategy. Should you vaccinate your horse or not?
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