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Articles, Videos, Links
Articles, Videos, and Links
To find specific resources and information including articles and publications by our veterinarians and others, search our website...
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Control of Estrus in Mares
Veterinarians are frequently called upon to help horse owners control the estrus behavior (“heat”) in mares...
Biosecurity: Why It Should Be Important to You
Biosecurity is the undertaking of management practices that can reduce the risk of outbreaks and minimize the spread of infectious disease.
Tissue, Please! Basic Types of Nasal Discharge
Nasal discharge can vary in significance, from being innocuous to being indicative of a serious problem.
Equine Strangles
Strangles is considered one of the three most significant respiratory diseases of horses. Because it is so highly contagious...
Delayed Patellar Release
Horses affected with delayed patellar release (DLP) have an alteration to their hind limb movement that can affect performance.
What We Know and What We’re Learning about Laminitis
Laminitis, in its simplest terms, is inflammation of the laminae that attach the coffin bone to the hoof capsule.
Cresty Necks and Laminitis: Equine Endocrinology
The two main endocrinologic concerns in horses are equine Cushing’s disease and equine metabolic syndrome.
The Equine Heart (Part 1): What Makes the Horse Such an Amazing Athlete?
What makes the equine heart so remarkable is its adaptability and efficiency in doing this job under different conditions.
The Equine Heart (Part 2): Common Cardiac Disease
In this article, we will examine some of the more common cardiac problems found in horses.
“Doc, My Horse Has A Big Swollen Chest...”
Pigeon Fever, also known as Dryland Distemper, is a bacterial disease caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.
Pigeon Fever
California is particularly well known for having a high incidence of this disease, especially during the late summer and early fall.
Advances in Lameness
There are several new therapeutic options that have become available over the last several years for arthritis, tendon and ligament injuries
Equine Colic: What to Expect
It is important to have a knowledge of what colic is, some of its causes and potential ways to minimize its occurrence.
Colic in Horses: What You Should Know
The word “colic” comes from the Greeks and means “abdominal pain”. Horses are notorious for colic and are predisposed to it...
A Mare Owner's Countdown to Breeding
It's never too soon to start thinking about next year. Planning ahead can make breeding your mare less stressful and more fruitful.
A Brief Review of EHV-1 Neurological Disease: EHV-1 Myeloencephalopathy
Equine herpesviruses (EHV) are found in the majority of horses. Most horses have been exposed to the virus...
Overview of Ringbone in Horses
Degenerative joint disease/arthritis of the pastern joint, referred to as high ringbone, is a common source of lameness in horses.
Enteroliths: A Rock and a Hard Place
Commonly referred to as stones, enteroliths are composed of struvite crystals which coalesce around some central object like a pebble or a s
Fractures in Horses: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
“I didn’t think you could fix a broken leg in a horse.” The truth is some you can and some you cannot.
Management of Wounds in Horses
Oftentimes horse owners are faced with the dilemma of examining a wound and determining whether or not a veterinarian needs to be contacted.
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